Your order confirmation
Order Ref: OSU192125
Dear Mr Alexandra Henkel,

Great news! Your phone is now being released from it's network / carrier. We're so happy you chose Official SIM Unlock and just want to say a big thank you!

Phone Unlock - iPhone SE - Telstra Australia
Average Delivery Time: 24-72 hours

You can track the progress of your Official SIM Unlock order by clicking on the following link:

Track Order
Any updates can be viewed by viewing your order via the link provided. Once your unlock is complete or your order status is updated you will receive an email notification with instructions.
For customer support please visit our support page on the website here.
Data collected to protect the customer and supplier against fraudulent transactions.
IMEI: 356613088620109
Valid IMEI 356613088620109 25/11/2022 10:26:53
Newsletter Checkbox true 25/11/2022 10:27:28
Terms and Condition Checkbox True 25/11/2022 10:27:30
If you have any questions regarding your order then please contact our support team on [email protected]. Please read our refund / cancellation policy here.
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